Dee Barnes on Whether Dr. Dre Sexually Assaulted Her

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Dee Barnes accused Dr. Dre of physical assault nearly three decades ago, but if her recent interview on “The Wendy Williams Show” is anything to go by, then there might be more to the story than Barnes initially let on.

In 1991, Dr. Dre attacked Barnes at a party in Los Angeles after she ran a segment about his former N.W.A group member Ice Cube, on her hit hip-hop show “Pump It Up!”

Dre, who has a history of violence against other women including his ex, Michel'le, has since released a blanket public apology to all “the women I’ve hurt,” but at the time, the big-time record producer did not seem remorseful about his attack on Barnes.

In a Rolling Stone interview from 1991, Dre said:

“I just did it, you know. Ain’t nothing you can do now by talking about it. Besides, it ain’t no big thing – I just threw her through a door.”


Now, 28 years later, Barnes relived the painful experience she suffered at the hands of Dre, and it appears the assault might have been sexual as well.

Barnes, now 46, told Williams and the audience that she was at the top of the stairs, speaking to another person at the party, when Dre, 54, approached her.

“[Dre] grabs me by my hair. He picked me up, lifted me up off the ground [by my hair and] slammed me up against a brick wall several times,” began the veteran journalist.


“I didn’t see but he had a bodyguard with him and he kept the crowd from helping [me] by threatening the crowd with a gun. The person that was talking to me, was the only person who tried to intervene, he got pistol-whipped [and] lost two teeth.”

She recalled being dizzy and eventually escaping into the women’s restroom where she said Dre followed her into.


“And then what happens? Go ahead, Dee. Tell your story,” Williams encouraged and an emotional Barnes revealed that Dre continued to assault her.

“Were you sexually assaulted?” Williams asked and Barnes, still fighting tears, replied:

“I’m not comfortable talking about everything right now.”

“Your silence is speaking volumes,” Williams wrapped up.


The talk show host then went on to narrate how Barnes was blackballed in the entertainment industry after reporting the incident and pressing charges against Dre.

Because no other woman had ever pressed charges against him and there were no official records, Dre got away with a $2,500 fine, two-year probation, and community service and the lawsuit was settled out of court.

“So he goes on to be the icon that he is – you have to admit – and you [Barnes] have no career,” Williams observed sadly.


The situation was even more pathetic because Barnes appearance on “The Wendy Williams Show” was triggered by a GoFundMe campaign the journalist launched recently to save her from homelessness.

The crowdfunding effort notwithstanding, Barnes revealed that she and her youngest daughter were still living with friends.

Williams then shocked her with a whopping $15,000 donation in partnership with a temporary and long-term housing service provider. She also threw in a publishing and movie production deal for Barnes right there on the spot.

Dre is yet to comment on Barnes’ telling silence concerning whether he sexually assaulted her or not.
