Jeffrey Epstein victim Chauntae Davies says she wishes Ghislaine Maxwell well in hell

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Her message to the 'calculating witch' who destroyed her life was uncompromising and to the point.

'I wish her well in hell,' says Chauntae Davies. 

'Ghislaine Maxwell is a monster in every sense of the word. She deserves to die behind bars for what she did to me and the countless other women's lives she destroyed. She and Epstein will meet each other in hell when her time comes.'

Still scarred by the four years she suffered at the hands of Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, Chauntae was jubilant at the sensational conclusion of the New York trial this week.

Maxwell, 60, was branded a 'sophisticated predator' who procured and served up young girls to her lover in what prosecutors described as a 'pyramid scheme of abuse'.

Her message to the 'calculating witch' who destroyed her life was uncompromising and to the point. 'I wish her well in hell. Ghislaine Maxwell is a monster in every sense of the word,' says Chauntae Davies (pictured today)

Her message to the 'calculating witch' who destroyed her life was uncompromising and to the point. 'I wish her well in hell. Ghislaine Maxwell is a monster in every sense of the word,' says Chauntae Davies (pictured today)

Chauntae was jubilant at the sensational conclusion of the New York trial this week. For four years, she continued to be a part of Epstein and Maxwell's circle, enduring repeated rapes by her depraved employer. Chauntae (above, with Epstein) still struggles to come to terms with why she didn't attempt to break free earlier

Chauntae was jubilant at the sensational conclusion of the New York trial this week. For four years, she continued to be a part of Epstein and Maxwell's circle, enduring repeated rapes by her depraved employer. Chauntae (above, with Epstein) still struggles to come to terms with why she didn't attempt to break free earlier

Chauntae was one of those girls. She was a 21-year-old trainee massage therapist when she was lured into the couple's depraved circle, where she was repeatedly raped over many years. 

'She and Epstein destroyed my life in every way. My relationships. My family life and my health,' she says.

Unlike Epstein's other young victims, who were below the age of consent, Chauntae was older and, some may assume, wiser. 

Which brings us to the troubling question of why, having been assaulted on one occasion, she continued to put herself in harm's way.

For four years she continued to be a part of Epstein and Maxwell's circle, enduring repeated rapes by her depraved employer. Chauntae still struggles to come to terms with why she didn't attempt to break free earlier.

'There is a decent amount of shame and guilt I carried with me for years over this, and in many ways still do,' she says.

'Those feelings are now mixed with embarrassment and anger. It's hard to understand why the strong, brave and independent woman that I've become could allow that to happen.

'I am only now beginning to understand the manipulation and control that was used by both Jeffrey and Ghislaine. But especially Ghislaine. She was wearing a mask throughout the time I knew her. I wish I could have seen her for who she was.'

Chauntae travelled with Epstein and Maxwell, and was part of a group of dignitaries and celebrities that flew on the billionaire's private jet to Africa in 2002. Former US president Bill Clinton, together with actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, visited the five African countries during the five-day humanitarian trip, part of a project for Clinton's foundation to raise awareness about poverty and the Aids crisis. (Above, Chauntae with Clinton)

Chauntae travelled with Epstein and Maxwell, and was part of a group of dignitaries and celebrities that flew on the billionaire's private jet to Africa in 2002. Former US president Bill Clinton, together with actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, visited the five African countries during the five-day humanitarian trip, part of a project for Clinton's foundation to raise awareness about poverty and the Aids crisis. (Above, Chauntae with Clinton)

During a stopover at a small airport in Portugal to refuel, Chauntae was pictured giving the former president a neck massage – he had complained of 'stiffness' after falling asleep in his seat. 'Ghislaine Maxwell chimed in to be funny and said that I could give him a massage,' she recalls. The moment (above) was captured on camera: 'Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman, and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him,' says Chauntae

During a stopover at a small airport in Portugal to refuel, Chauntae was pictured giving the former president a neck massage – he had complained of 'stiffness' after falling asleep in his seat. 'Ghislaine Maxwell chimed in to be funny and said that I could give him a massage,' she recalls. The moment (above) was captured on camera: 'Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman, and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him,' says Chauntae

Chauntae is reassured only by the knowledge that many other girls were similarly duped, and then intimidated into not speaking out sooner.

'My story is so similar to that of the other survivors who were initially tricked by Maxwell and then delivered to Epstein whose power and connections made escaping and leaving seem utterly terrifying.'

How Chauntae came to be recruited by Maxwell, and delivered to Epstein, was fairly typical of how the couple operated. 


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She was just weeks into her training as a masseuse, in 2001, when her LA-based tutor and mentor Gypsy Gita took her to the five-star Four Seasons hotel in Beverly Hills to give a massage to Maxwell. 

There is no suggestion Gita had any awareness of Epstein and Maxwell's wrongdoing.

Chauntae recalls a 'charming, tall, thin, sophisticated British woman, with a pixie haircut'. 

'Her stare was sharp, and she seemed to look me over like a farmer assessing his cattle. She continued to ask me questions throughout the session,' Chauntae remembers.

'I remember feeling a bit uneasy that there was so much focus on me during her paid hour.' 

Pictured, Epstein and Maxwell in 2005. Chauntae says: 'My story is so similar to that of the other survivors who were initially tricked by Maxwell and then delivered to Epstein whose power and connections made escaping and leaving seem utterly terrifying'

Pictured, Epstein and Maxwell in 2005. Chauntae says: 'My story is so similar to that of the other survivors who were initially tricked by Maxwell and then delivered to Epstein whose power and connections made escaping and leaving seem utterly terrifying'

She obviously made an impression, because within hours Gypsy got a call asking if Chauntae would be available for hire for the weekend at a home in Palm Beach, Florida – Epstein's luxury mansion.

A dream opportunity, surely, for any young woman at the start of her career.

'My first reaction was that it just wasn't possible. I had only been in massage school for a couple of weeks,' says Chauntae. 

'Looking back on it now, the speed of it is so suspicious but this is how her and Epstein were operating all along. Little did I know that this was to be the start of the worst period of my life. She was so charming that I trusted her implicitly.'

Chauntae's first encounter with her billionaire boss should have sounded alarm bells that had her running to the airport.

Epstein, she later told prosecutors, performed a sex act on himself in front of her during the session. 

But somehow – through fear she wouldn't be believed or the sheer force of Maxwell's charm and reassurance – she was persuaded to join the couple again.

Within weeks, Chauntae was fully immersed into Epstein's bizarre life of wealth and luxury, travelling the world on his Boeing 727 nicknamed the Lolita Express. 

She even went to Little Saint James, his private island home in the Caribbean – nicknamed Orgy Island – where Prince Andrew previously admitted visiting.

'The island was stunning. Turquoise waters moving back and forth across white sand. It was breathtaking.'

And it was here that she came to realise the true nature of her 'dream job'.

She was reading a book in bed late at night when Epstein's assistant Sarah Kellen came to the room of her private bungalow and knocked on the door.

Kellen has been accused by some of helping to facilitate Epstein's abuse, but insists she was in fact a victim herself.

'She peered cautiously around the door with a shy smile and said, 'Jeffrey's ready for his massage',' recalls Chauntae. 

'I froze. It was late, I thought we were all going to bed. I knew I was brought here to work as their massage therapist, but I also knew this late-night call on an island where I already felt isolated did not feel right.

'She led me to another, bigger private villa on the opposite side of the main house, a part of the island I had not yet seen; Jeffrey and Ghislaine's villa.

'It was a large room with a large bed that centred the room, and you could hear the waves crashing against the rocks just outside the windows. A beautiful bathroom, which lit the room, sat to the left and just in front of that, a massage table was set up.

'Sarah mumbled something as she closed the double doors behind her, and Jeffrey would be here shortly. I took a breath. I knew this didn't look good and I wanted to run right then and hop in one of the boats and drive to the nearest island and fly myself home.

'But I didn't. I stood there, nervous, wondering how this would play out.

'Suddenly the doors flung open, and Jeffrey came waltzing in, smug, happy, and climbed on the table.

'He didn't stop talking, I supposed to avoid any awkwardness, and asked me how I liked the island and how he had strained a muscle in the gym that day. He asked me about my massage school and many other things while I attempted to answer his questions without giving away the fact that I was nervous as hell.

'I wondered where Ghislaine was and hoped that because this was their room, he wouldn't pull any funny business.'

 I doubt this is the last we have heard from [Maxwell]. A rat will always try to force its way out of the sewer.' Chauntae Davies 

But the massage session took a dark turn as Epstein's personality suddenly switched – the details of which she still finds difficult to talk about.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her body 'on to his already naked body,' she said. She begged him to stop but 'that just seemed to excite him more', and he raped her.

Afterwards Epstein simply climbed off the bed without speaking, and calmly walked into the bathroom for a shower while she fled through the night, running back to her cottage in bare feet.

'I still wonder why I didn't protect myself from this sociopath,' Chauntae recalls. 'I would think, "You idiot, get out of there" like you do in a scary movie and the bad guy is hiding round the corner with a knife.

'We stayed on the island a few more days after this, but I don't remember much. That first night is burned in my memory for ever, and I'm sure the next few days were the same, but it's a block for me.

'I've been told that sometimes memories are too far a burden to bear and that's why our minds block them.' 

And so it was that Chauntae continued to travel with Epstein and Maxwell, and was part of a group of dignitaries and celebrities that flew on the billionaire's private jet to Africa in 2002.

Former US president Bill Clinton, together with actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, visited the five African countries during the five-day humanitarian trip, part of a project for Clinton's foundation to raise awareness about poverty and the Aids crisis.

Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell sits as the guilty verdict in her sex abuse trial is read in a courtroom sketch in New York City on Wednesday. Chauntae, who has a young daughter and is raising her in a remote part of the US, now finally hopes her life can resume. 'I am now starting a new chapter of my life and am determined to move on. Maxwell's conviction is long overdue'

Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell sits as the guilty verdict in her sex abuse trial is read in a courtroom sketch in New York City on Wednesday. Chauntae, who has a young daughter and is raising her in a remote part of the US, now finally hopes her life can resume. 'I am now starting a new chapter of my life and am determined to move on. Maxwell's conviction is long overdue'

During a stopover at a small airport in Portugal to refuel, Chauntae was pictured giving the former president a neck massage – he had complained of 'stiffness' after falling asleep in his seat.

'Ghislaine Maxwell chimed in to be funny and said that I could give him a massage,' she recalls. 

'Everyone had a little chuckle but Ghislaine in her prim British accent insisted and said I was good. The president then asked me, "Would you mind giving it a crack?"

'He turned his back to me, and I reached up and I started to rub out the kink in his neck and shoulder.'

The moment was captured on camera: 'Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman, and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.'

However, there was an embarrassing moment: as she massaged Clinton's neck, she asked, innocently: 'I've got a bad angle, would you mind getting on your knees?' After Clinton's infamous 'inappropriate' relationship with his former intern, Monica Lewinsky, her choice of words could have been better.

'I have always been the queen of putting my foot in my mouth,' Chauntae says. 'The room fell silent. I couldn't believe I'd said that. Then, although his face had turned the colour of fire, he laughed. The whole room was laughing. And being the good sport he was, he sat down so I could get a better angle.'

The encounter would prove to be one of the few lighter ones that marked her four years in Epstein's circle of hell.

In July 2019, Chauntae told everything to the FBI and the Assistant Attorney General of New Mexico. Epstein was arrested five days later. He hanged himself in his Manhattan prison cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial.

Chauntae, who has a young daughter and is raising her in a remote part of the US, now finally hopes her life can resume.

'I am now starting a new chapter of my life and am determined to move on. Maxwell's conviction is long overdue.

'I just hope that myself and the other brave women who came forward and fought for justice now finally get some peace.'

As for her charming seducer with the cut-glass accent, however, Chauntae issues a note of caution.

'I doubt this is the last we have heard from her. A rat will always try to force its way out of the sewer.'
