Did WWE drop the ball with Rikishi?

Publish date: 2024-05-04
Yes, and it's equally hard to see someone like that as a heel threat, at least on a continuing basis. By the time WWE got sick and tired of him, he had become a one-trick-pony......with his entire persona based on his ass, for crying out loud. When one's signature move is the "stink face," what kind of longevity do you expect from the guy?

We've read that WWE fired him because he ignored their repeated requests to lose weight. Well, given the incredible amount of poundage he put on since his Samoan Swat Team days, during and after which they always had a role for him, it seemed kind of unfair for them to expect him to lose it now. And even if he did, did that guarantee they'd keep him around?

Rikishi's character was set and established. If it's not over 'til the fat man dances, then it's certainly over once they ask him to stop dancing.

It's not that WWE dropped the ball; it's that the ball only had a limited life span.....and really, it lasted longer than you'd expect it to.
