TNA Impact Wrestling Results (5/10) Willow in Disguise ?, The Decay Retains, EC3 Enters The Six

Publish date: 2024-05-04

We see a clip of AL Snow training at his wrestling academy. AL talks about the importance of taking the right steps in entering the wrestling business. Al is tired of people who belong in the other side of the guard rails getting a free pass into this business. Al says that he’s going to make sure that business stays in tact because it’s dying everywhere else. Al says that he’s going to be like Donald Trump. Trump wants to make America great again? AL wants to make professional wrestling great again and he’s going to start with Mahabali Shera & Grado.

Shera chases Snow around the ring. Snow lands a series of clubbing blows to the back of Shera. Snow sends Shera shoulder first to the steel ring post. Shera lands a series of right hands to Snow. Snow hits Shera in the throat with a foreign object. Snow hides the object from the referee. Snow goes for the pin, but Shera kicks out at the count of two. Snow again sends Shera shoulder first to the steel ring post.

Snow rips off his wrist tape and chokes Shera with it. Snow goes for the pin again, but Shera kicks out at two. Snow launches Shera to the outside. Snow with a full beatdown of Shera on the outside. Snow rolls back into the ring. Snow with a brain buster to Shera for a two count. Earl Hebner snaps at Snow. Snow goes for the brass knucks. Grado comes from behind and distracts Snow. Shera with the Sky High to Snow to pickup the victory. 
