What We've Learned About Bob Saget Since His Tragic Death

Publish date: 2024-05-05

It seems hard to believe, considering they were on-screen best buds and brothers-in-law for years, but Bob Saget and John Stamos weren't initially that close. In fact, according to his first wife Sherri Kramer, the former once despised the latter. In a 2022 interview with The New York Times, Stamos recalled the chat he had with Kramer at Saget's memorial: "She was crying. 'He loved you so much. He loved you so much. But in the beginning, he hated you ... He would come home and he was so jealous of you. He would just complain about you so much.'" 

While doing press for "Fuller House" in 2017, Bob Saget was equally candid with People. He said of himself and Stamos, "For the first four years of the old show, we weren't as close, and then we became like brothers."

Stamos himself admitted that it was only when the family sitcom ended that his relationship with Saget improved. "I looked at this video of us of the last episode of 'Full House,' the final bows. We all gathered around, and Bob eventually walked over and he hugged me, kissed me. But I don't know how close I was to him at the end there. I didn't think I needed a Bob in my life." However, Stamos, who served as pallbearer at Saget's funeral, explained that they subsequently became so dependent on each other that they "were like a married couple."
