The world's first underwater Airbnb

Publish date: 2024-05-07

If you can't get to the end of Jaws without hiding behind the sofa, this may not be the holiday accommodation choice for you: Airbnb has unveiled its first underwater property - a bedroom in the shark tank of the Paris Aquarium.

A circular bed sleeping two is surrounded by a 360-degree glass wall, offering panoramic views of the 10 metre-deep tank's 35 inhabitants swimming around in 3,000,000 litres of water.

If you like the sound of this, you'll be pleased to know that three lucky winners and their guests will be given the opportunity to stay in the room for a night, with a tank-side meal and tour of the aquarium thrown in for good measure.

The experience aims to set the record straight on these much-feared and "misunderstood" creatures and explain their importance to the ocean's ecosystem.

Host Fred Buyle, a shark conservationist, will enlighten guests with facts such as that you're more likely to die taking a selfie than from a shark attack - though given photography is banned after dark, whether this is true of a night in the aquarium bedroom remains to be seen.

Your only neighbours will be the tank's 35 toothy inhabitants

Other house "rules" include no sleep-swimming; keep hands and feet inside the bedroom at all times; sheep can’t swim, so count sharks instead.

Winners will enjoy a tank-side meal before bedding down for the night in the 10 metre-deep bedroom

Airbnb is offering three consecutive nights in the bedroom, on April 11, 12 and 13, for three pairs of two, flown in from anywhere in the world. To be in with a chance of winning, visit the listing page and explain why you want to win before 11.59pm on April 4.
