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Publish date: 2024-05-07

The Tragic Story of Maya Kowalski's Struggle with CRPS and Misdiagnosis

News: This article explores the tragic tale of Maya Kowalski, a young girl afflicted by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). CRPS, a rare chronic ailment, inflicted excruciating pain upon Maya, prompting her parents to pursue numerous treatments. Among these was an experimental procedure known as the “ketamine coma.” Unfortunately, a misdiagnosis by the medical staff at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital resulted in dire outcomes. We delve into the sequence of events, the repercussions on Maya and her family, and the subsequent legal proceedings.

The Battle with CRPS

In October 2016, young Maya Kowalski, who was just 10 years old at the time, found herself admitted to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital due to a severe flare-up of her rare condition, CRPS. Maya had been grappling with this debilitating disorder for more than a year, enduring excruciating pain and significant disruptions in her everyday activities. Desperate to find relief for their daughter, Maya’s parents turned to Dr. Anthony Kirkpatrick, a specialist in CRPS, who proposed the use of ketamine as a potential treatment option.

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The Ketamine Coma

Upon Dr. Kirkpatrick’s counsel, Maya proceeded with an innovative procedure known as the “ketamine coma.” This groundbreaking approach aimed to induce a temporary state of unconsciousness using ketamine, with the aspiration of mitigating her CRPS symptoms. Astonishingly, the treatment yielded a degree of relief for Maya, offering a ray of hope for an improved quality of life.

The Misdiagnosis

Nonetheless, the medical team at All Children’s Hospital became increasingly apprehensive about Maya’s parents’ choice to pursue ketamine treatments. They decided to seek a second opinion from Dr. Sally Smith, a physician specializing in child protective services. Tragically, Dr. Smith misjudged Maya’s condition, erroneously attributing her symptoms to Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, a condition where a caregiver fabricates illness in a child under their care.

Devastating Consequences

Due to the incorrect diagnosis, Maya was tragically torn apart from her parents. She endured a heart-wrenching separation that spanned a grueling 87 days. During this period, her contact with her father was limited, and she was entirely prohibited from any interaction with her mother. The emotional burden of this separation took a heavy toll on Maya, and she was left without a clear explanation as to why she could no longer see her mother.

Tragically, in January 2017, Beata Kowalski, Maya’s mother, made the devastating decision to take her own life. This loss had a profound and heartbreaking impact on Maya and her family, leaving them to grapple with immeasurable grief and countless unresolved questions. Eventually, the Kowalski family reached a settlement with Dr. Sally Smith, amounting to $2.5 million, acknowledging the misdiagnosis and the profoundly tragic consequences it had wrought.

Maya’s Journey Forward

Today, Maya resides in Venice, Florida, alongside her father and brother. Despite managing to regain the use of her legs, her battle with CRPS persists. She confronts ongoing challenges presented by the condition but remains steadfast and resolute in her determination.

Maya Kowalski’s narrative serves as a somber reminder of the profound repercussions that misdiagnosis can inflict upon individuals and their families. The initial misdiagnosis and the subsequent separation from her parents resulted in devastating consequences, ultimately leading to the loss of Maya’s mother. While legal actions have been taken, the scars of this ordeal are far from healed. Maya’s onward journey stands as a testament to her incredible strength and unwavering resolve to conquer the hurdles posed by CRPS.


Q: Can CRPS be cured?

A: Unfortunately, there is no known cure for CRPS. However, various treatments can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals living with the condition.

Q: How common is CRPS?

A: CRPS is considered a rare condition, affecting a small percentage of the population. It is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of this condition and consider it in their diagnosis.

Q: What can be done to prevent misdiagnosis?

A: Misdiagnosis can have serious consequences. To prevent misdiagnosis, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to thoroughly evaluate the patient’s symptoms, consider all possible conditions, and seek second opinions if necessary.
