All about her fortune and kids in wake of Ralph Pittman divorce

Publish date: 2024-05-08

American actress Drew Sidora and husband Ralph Pittman are getting separated after being married for around nine years. Confirming the news to People, the former stated that it was a mutual decision and requested everyone to give them some privacy.

The court documents state that Pittman's petition for divorce was received on February 27 but Sidora appealed for separation even before him. Further, the separation date was mentioned as February 19 and the duo reportedly split on February 23.

Additionally, according to the documents, Pittman has requested legal and physical custody of the ex-couple's kids. According to Sidora's filing, she and Pittman are not planning to work on their relationship.

Drew Sidora made her debut in the entertainment industry with Divas at the age of 9

Sidora, who is well-known for her appearances on various TV shows, is also a flawless singer. This has contributed a lot to her overall earnings in all these years and according to CelebrityNetWorth, the 37-year-old's net worth is estimated to be around $1.5 million.

Drew Sidora made her acting debut with the Fox movie, Divas, when she was only 9 years old. She was then featured in the sitcom, What I Like About You, in 2003.

She further played minor roles in different TV shows like That's So Raven, Girlfriends, and The Game. The actress then started to portray lead roles in shows like JD Lawrence's Community Service, One Love, and Hindsight, however, she gained recognition for being featured in the lead cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta in 2020.

Sidora's fortune has also come from the box office earnings of the films she has appeared in so far. She portrayed Ella in the 2004 crime thriller film Never Die Alone, which was a box office bomb, but her next film, White Chicks, was a commercial success.

Sidora has also featured in several other films like Step Up, Motives 2, Farmhouse, Man of Her Dreams, B-Girl, Hope for Love, Skinned, The Choir Director, Just a Friend, and more.

Drew Sidora and Ralph Pittman's separation was hinted at in RHOA

Drew Sidora and Ralph Pittman's relationship problems were featured in RHOA (Image via Paras Griffin/Getty Images)

The issues with Drew Sidora and Ralph Pittman's relationship have been featured in The Real Housewives of Atlanta. The former allegedly found some conversations between Pittman and his assistant, after which she moved to Chicago with her children. Following the discovery, co-star Kenya Moore called Pittman disrespectful and said:

"You're basically saying that she's lying and how it happened was not how it happened. That would piss me the f**k off if somebody said that to me to my face, especially if I'm hurting. Do you not understand that? You're tearing her down."

However, Sidora was ready to work on the relationship, and she always dreamt that she and Pittman would live happily forever. She added that she witnessed her parents being happily married to each other for 60 years and that she is in a situation where everything seems like they are a new beginning. She added:

"It's hard because sometimes you're like, do I need to stay in this marriage or I am better off by myself? Then I think to myself when two people commit and you keep committing to each other, what can we do to fix this? You're switching counselors to find the right one – but we're committed and I think that's what keeps people together."

Drew and Ralph exchanged vows in 2014 and became parents to two children in 2015 and 2018 respectively.

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