Chrissy Teigen Feeds Daughter Luna Green Beans for the First Time

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Babies seem to grow at lightning speed, don't they? One we simply cannot get enough of is Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's 6-month-old daughter, Luna. On Sunday Teigen took to one of her favorite platforms—none other than Instagram—to document a major moment in Luna's life. As you might have guessed from the cookbook star, the post was all about food: Luna had her first encounter with green beans and it couldn't have been more adorable.

In a short video, Teigen uses a tiny spoon to feed a vegetable puree to her darling little girl, who seems receptive to the new experience. "You like green beans! Yay!" Mom tells Luna in the clip.

Teigen gave the sweet moment the caption: "Her first savory bite—green beans. The laugh! Many tears. Oh my lulu." Watch the video here:

With two foodie parents, we know that many more exciting foods are to come for the little one. Luna's "first savory bite" came on the heels of Teigen and Legend spending some quality time across the pond in London, in which a couple of delicious restaurants were involved.

VIDEO: Baby Luna Eats Her First Solid Food

The model visited Sexy Fish and Park Chinois—and fell asleep in the latter due to jet lag, as she so hilariously stated on Instagram.
